Luis Moro

Premio Castilla y León de las Artes 2022

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Animal Cartography

Please be our guest for the opening reception of Mexico based Spanish artist Luis Moro.Artist Statement “My work is based around the animal world and its relationship with man and his borders, marked by the countries’ geographical limitations, highways, cities, and industrial centers that are true walls for animal migrations. In particular,...

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Exhibition “Espacios intangibles”

Exhibition “Espacios intangibles”

  “… Luis y su obra, aquí y ahora. Reuniendo el ayer y el ahora y el mañana. En una sucesión de pasos y vivencias, su huella perceptible, imperecedera ya…” Tomás Paredes Presidente de la Asociación Española de Críticos de...

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Presentation of the book: La cuenta atrás

Presentation of the book: La cuenta atrás

The book was published in Mexico by Figueroa & Hernandez. Over 186 pages retrospect of paintings by the artist from 1991 to 2014. The evolution in representing the animal world and its delicate balance in the world is presented. It has descriptive texts of the work of Moro, by Ana Martinez de Aguilar, Director of Esteban Vicente Museum Segovia (Spain);...

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